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frequently asked questions

If interested in starting therapy with me email, text or book a free 20 minutes consultation through this website with no obligation (Picking up phone calls can be challenging for me due to work).

At the moment I rent a room in Dundee. We will set a day and time and I will send you the address where we will meet.

During the consultation I will answer any questions you may have and you will have the chance to briefly outline what areas you need help with.

So you have the freedom to chose whether to start therapy or not without feeling pressured we won’t set an appointment then. I will give you my business card and tell you to contact me when you are ready if you would like to set a first appointment.

On the first appointment we will go over the therapeutic agreement and set your goals for therapy.

How many sessions you come for will be entirely up to you, although I may recommend the ending when I see you are ready to continue by yourself.

In regards to the frequency of sessions I recommend us starting weekly to develop a strong therapeutic relationship, however I will adapt to your needs and circumstances.

This is a very difficult question to answer as it will depend on many factors including how much effort you put to get better, how ready you are, what are your presenting issues, how committed you are to the process and how well we connect and  work together.

Additionally, each type of therapy may different in regards to timings. For instance, couples counselling tends to last less than individual counselling, and this one tends to last longer than personal coaching. Clinical hypnotherapy can also be quick and effective depending on the person’s suggestibility. 

Independently of which therapy you attend and what the factors influencing therapy are I will always recommend stopping therapy when I see you are ready to continue your self development work by yourself. Additionally, you will always have the choice to end therapy at any given time without any explanations needed.

This is another not straight forward question to answer as it will depend on how many sessions you need and the therapy you decide to attend, as each treatment type differ in price. 

Here is a list of the fees per session per service: 

  • First initial consultation is free (30 min session)
  • Individual Counselling (50 min session): £55
  • Couple Counselling (50 min session): £90
  • Past life and Progression therapy (50 min session): £65
  • Clinical hypnotherapy (up to 90 min session): £90 (except weight loss and smoking cessation)
  • Personal Coaching (50 min session): £65
  • Clinical Supervision£50 per 45 min session; £95 per 90 min session. (£5 discount per session to students in placement) 
  • (I offer £5 discount per session in all therapies for students and low income)

I do not provide with home visits or telephone therapy, however I do provide counselling online via video-calling.

Absolutely not. If anything it is an advantage as I now have the habit to double check with the client what I am understanding is right.

I have been very long time in Scotland and, although I still have an accent, I do not have any  issues understanding English speakers no matter their background.

I also haven’t had any experience where I was not understood to a extent that would be detrimental to therapy.

However, be reassured that if this gets to be the case with you , you would be supported to end therapy and find another more suitable therapist.

book a free consultation

For any doubts, questions, or if you would like to know if therapy is the right thing for you at the moment, you can book a free consultation with no obligation at all to set further appointments.

or call/text to

+44 7376 933 906